Ribbit Network: Q3 2023 Newsletter
We are excited to share with you an update of the key activities from Ribbit Network over the last quarter, as well as an overview of what’s coming up.
I can’t believe summer ☀️ is already over! We hope everyone has been enjoying some vacation time, hopefully staying in a cool place (maybe that was wishful thinking this year 😟).
Field deployments
We had several exciting field deployments and partnerships rolling for Q3 2023. These deployments will contribute to addressing two of Ribbit Network’s overarching coals: engagement with the science community, and assessing the accuracy of Frog sensor measurements.
In the last few weeks, we deployed 5 Frog sensors in two countries (see images below):
USA: Washington State (Ameriflux program): 2 sensors deployed on a tower high above the ground in a forest.
Switzerland: Zurich (ICOS EU program): 3 sensors deployed and collocated with high-quality reference sensors in an urban environment.
Through engaging with the science community, Ribbit Network can learn from experts who study atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, and Ribbit Network can demonstrate how the Frog sensors could be used in their research work, familiarizing them with open source and citizen science projects. Understanding the accuracy of the Frog sensors will help Ribbit Network and its collaborators:
Better understand what are the appropriate applications of Ribbit Network observations
Potentially develop methods for calibrating sensors across the network.
Buy A Frog Kit
Are you interested to buy a frog sensor kit? Ribbit Network is now offering pre-packaged, all-inclusive, DIY Build kits. Fill out this form link.
Frog Sensor Development
The community has finalized support of PoE for the sensor (Power of Ethernet). What’s next? working on a solar-powered option! We are also making progress on our sensor registration page.
University Summer Programs
15 students of the Rutgers University IDEA program completed a 1-month project to build 5 frog sensors and assess placements and use cases. 2 of them are going to continue on and become contributors to Ribbit.
Core Team Volunteer Updates
We are excited to announce that Dana Pek joined the core team as a social media manager. We are still recruiting for other core team members, let us know if interested.
Want to get involved? Fill out our volunteer interest form.